College Classes
Dual Enrollment
El Sereno students can take college classes while enrolled in high school. Students who are interested, should talk to their supervising teacher to plan appropriately. Steps for enrolling with a local community college are listed under the "While in High School" tab below.
How to Apply & Enroll in College Classes
While in High School
Enrollment Steps
1. First-time students - create an OpenCCC account
- Need Social Security Number/Dream Act to apply
- Use a personal email address (school accounts will block important emails)
- Write down your account number and password somewhere you can find later
- Check your email for a reply containing your college ID# and forward to your counselor
2. Apply online for the specific college for the specific semester
- All new students must do this through CCCApply
- Returning students who have a gap in enrollment at that college
- If you are a continuing (current) student, then you need to submit a form each semester instead of a CCCApply application.
- Sierra College - Academic Enrichment Permission Form
- Los Rios Colleges (ARC, FLC, CRC or SCC) You can find the Supplemental Enrollment Form in eServices (click on the Tasks tile). The form asks you to review and update your contact information, education goal, and major.
- If you are a continuing (current) student, then you need to submit a form each semester instead of a CCCApply application.
3. Submit paperwork with specific courses - see requirements in chart below
4. Register for classes
- Sierra - Register for class through your MySierra account after receiving confirmation email of application received
- Los Rios colleges - Check your eServices account periodically to see if you are enrolled after receiving confirmation email of application received
5. Email your counselor to let them know you are enrolled.
- Sierra College Academic Enrichment - How to Enroll video
- ARC Info Session : Learn about ARC programs, services, and if it is the right fit for your college and career journey
- Take a Tour of ARC
Dual Enrollment |
Academic Enrichment |
Dual Enrollment (CCAP) |
College(s) |
Los Rios district
Sierra College |
American River College |
Deadlines | Spring 2025 = October | |||
Where to apply |
Sierra |
ID # |
W+7 numbers |
9 numbers |
W+7 numbers |
Personal Account |
Learning more about classes and degrees |
Finding info about the classes offered (day/time/online/in-person, etc). Note: they change each semester. |
Fall 2023 Psych 300 (Intro to Psychology) HCD 310 (College Success) ENGWR 300 (Eng Writing) SPAN 401 (Intro) DEAF 310 (ASL 1) MUFHL 308 (Intro to Rock&Roll) |
Required Paperwork |
Complete this application and get your counselor's signature. Include ALL the courses you are interested in (including the 5-digit section code) |
Complete this application and get your school counselors signature. |
Inform your counselor via email that you wish to enroll. Submit this signed form to your counselor (only needs to be done once in HS) |
Submission |
Submit the completed application online (and transcript if required) |
Register for classes |
They will register you if space is available. You must check eServices regularly to see if you got in. |
You must register for the class yourself through your MySierra account |
Confirm with your counselor that you are enrolled. |
Follow Up |
Email your school counselor once you are confirmed enrolled in the course |
Email your school counselor once you are confirmed enrolled in the course |
New Full-Time Student
Steps to Success Process
Create an OpenCCC account to get a college student ID number (previous AdvancedEd or Dual Enrollment students may have already done this part)
Have a personal email address and social security number (if available) ready
Apply online for the specific college (American River, Folsom Lake, Sierra, etc) for the specific semester as a FIRST-TIME student.
Check the website of the college you are interested in for application and registration deadlines. You will be considered a first-time college student for the purposes of enrollment.
Los Rios Colleges (ARC, FLC, CRC, SCC)
- Applications accepted = October
- Priority Registration begins = early May
- Classes begin - (summer) and (fall)
Sierra College - Getting Started
- Applications accepted = October
- Priority Registration begins = early May
- Classes begin - (summer) and (fall)
Check for email notification of next steps (must have created a LosRios gmail or Sierra College email)
American River College
- Full Application Workshop (YouTube): Go step by step applying to ARC
- Short ARC Application (YouTube)
Transferring/Applying to a 4-year college/university
Transferring to a CSU - General Ed (GE) Breadth Requirements
Transferring to a private college
Transfer Admission Guarantee for an HBCU
Sierra College Math Course Pathway
All California Community Colleges to any CSU or UC - helps you navigate the coursework needed for all majors!
Transfer Course Requirements - Folsom Lake College
Transfer Course Requirements - American River College
Transfer Course Requirements - Sierra College
Associates Degree for Transfer